birth continuum
guidance discussion
Prenatal guidance +
Early Postpartum Nurturing
this is the support you need.
I have been where you are. Journeyed this path through and through, deep and wide. And I know that having empathetic and educated support is invaluable during this complex state of transition, discovery, and growth. This woman, this mother, this doula, is here - to keep watch, listen, shine light, walk alongside, and hold exclusive space for you.
The childbearing continuum is unique in its need of coupledom between planning and flexibility. Babies are born on their birthdays and hormones choose how they’d like to show up each day - there’s a robust delicateness to how we approach the preparation required.
We’ll spend time throughout our partnership making plans and identifying preferences to encourage confidence and security during your pregnancy, labor + delivery and postpartum experience and build your stamina to affirm or adjust if your plans and preferences are challenged.
Prenatal Preparation
We’ll share monthly, personalized prenatal appointments together. Two of these may be held in person. The topic(s) of our prenatal appointments will vary and be tailored - specifically based upon your personal desires and needs. You may want to talk about designing supportive structures one month, and navigating labor sensations + birthing positions the next! Your husband or intimate partner's presence is always welcomed (and encouraged!) at these appointments.
I will accompany you (will also do so virtually, if authorized) to one prenatal primary care provider appointment of your choice. It’s important to me that your care providers are aware of one another and working in community to best support you.
Woven throughout our experience together and during some sessions will be discussions of one book you’ve selected or that I've recommended for us to explore together.
Unlimited text +
Call support
Upon hire, you'll have easy, convenient access to me via text/phone, through six weeks postpartum - for consistent, day-to-day support. Links to helpful resources, evidence-based research, encouraging affirmations, and offerings of sage wisdom abound.
Commonly referred to as The Birth Plan - The Birth Preferences document will help preface your birthing experience, with your hopes in mind. We'll talk about what's most important to you, what your options and rights are, and provide a PDF version for your Primary Care Provider(s).
Labor + Birth Support
We have prepared for this moment - the time has come. When you are in labor and ready for my presence, I’ll travel to support and comfort you (& your partner), protect sacred space and deliver a vibe (think lighting, soothing aromas, massage) so that you can focus within.
I provide continuous, unlimited labor + birth support at your home, birthing center, and/or hospital of choice.
If your birth day has been pre-arranged, I will accompany you according to your hospital’s guidelines and encourage a soothing tone for the welcoming.
Early postpartum nurturing
After birth, I will remain with you for the next two hours to ensure you’re comfortable and settling in with your new love. If everyone is well and you have decided to breastfeed - space will be protected for your golden hour and its beauty.
With flexibility in mind, sometime around day three postpartum (after a home or birthing center birth) or one to two days after you’ve come home after a hospital birth, I'll come by with good eats and good words to see how feedings and feelings are going. If breastfeeding, I can assess your latch and give clinical counsel as a Certified Lactation Counselor®.
We’ll have another visit - virtually - where I’ll hold space & listen as you share about your labor + birth experience. I’ll continue checking in on you over text for your first six weeks postpartum, encouraging healthy integration into this new, beautiful life.
Mother of ease
*When partnering together, this fee contributes toward your retainer fee.